Bildet under viser undertegnet stasjet opp i dress. Det bildet ikke viser at jeg faktisk svømmer i dressen. Sist jeg brukte den var i juni, og da fikk jeg nesten ikke knappene igjen. Tror det blir en gammel dress neste gang, og jeg håper jeg har tatt vare på den. Må prøve å finne den før nyttårsaften...
29. des. 2014
Uke 19
Bildet under viser undertegnet stasjet opp i dress. Det bildet ikke viser at jeg faktisk svømmer i dressen. Sist jeg brukte den var i juni, og da fikk jeg nesten ikke knappene igjen. Tror det blir en gammel dress neste gang, og jeg håper jeg har tatt vare på den. Må prøve å finne den før nyttårsaften...
15. nov. 2014
Uke 13
3. nov. 2014
1. okt. 2014
Dag 40 - uke 6 - Endelig litt action!
Beltet mitt har iallefall beveget seg fra ytterste til innerste hull. På tide å kjøpe nytt belte? Eller skal jeg være gjerrig og lage nye hull....hmmm
29. sep. 2014
Dag 38 - uke 6
Tror kanskje jeg har funnet svaret. Enkelte har visst problemer med ost i start-fasen, og jeg har spist mye ost. Kuttet det da ut på torsdag, og denne uken vil vise om det hjalp. Fikk et hint i går da vekten var ned en halv kilo, så om det fortsetter vet jeg at jeg har funnet svaret!
20. sep. 2014
Dag 29 - uke 5 - lørdag og veiedag
18. sep. 2014
15. sep. 2014
13. sep. 2014
Dag 22 - nå på lavkarbo
Er blitt anbefalt å ta det roligt de første dagene, da magen er jo vandt til bare 550 kcal. i 3 uker.. Så det blir nok mye egg. Frokosten består da selvfølgelig av EGG & BACON.
Veie og måle dag i dag, og resultatet er:
Ned 9,1 kg, og magemål ned 14 cm
Skal nå i butikken og handle litt inn. Det er viktig at det jeg spiser består av lavest mulig innhold av karbohydrater. Jeg må nemlig holde meg under 20 gram per dag skal jeg holde meg i ketose tilstand. Fant følgende forslag til handle liste fra denne siden:
12. sep. 2014
Dag 21 - første fase i mål!!
Tenkte først å gjøre det med langsom overgang, men har nå bestemt meg å hoppe rett over på lavkarbo fra frokosten i morgen. Starter selvfølgelig med egg og bacon (som jeg har drømt om noen dager nå), men tar det selvsagt rolig videre med små måltider til magen har vendt seg til mat.
8. sep. 2014
Dag 17 - i rute
6. sep. 2014
Dag 15 - post P.I.S.S.?
5. sep. 2014
Dag 14 - P.I.S.S. (Post-Induction Stall Syndrome)
Ufattelig mye bra å finne på nettet om man leter, men det står også mye tull. Ser at mange ikke skjønner hva ketosis er, og at det faktisk er en anerkjent og ikke ny diett metode for de overvektige med BMI over 30.
Står ennå på stedet hvil og regner med at min "offisielle" måling i morgen lørdag blir skuffende. Må bare holde ut....
Finner da litt trøst i dette og at jeg antagelig er i "PISS":
Results vary, but you will typically go through three phases:
► Honeymoon: Lots of weight comes off fast. This is water that was tied up with glycogen. Note: if you don’t experience rapid weight loss in this period, do not despair. Not everyone is so lucky, and men may be more likely to see rapid initial weight loss than women.
► Post-Induction Stall Syndrome (PISS): Water and glycogen find a new balance and this causes a stall or even weight gain, which lasts for a week or two. Relax, PISS is both normal and temporary.
► Fully keto-adapted: After 3-4 weeks the body is burning fat as its main fuel and the brain has switched to running on ketones. A bumpy downward trend in your weight will begin. The trend is "bumpy" because there will be days or weeks when your weight stalls, or even goes up slightly. This happens to everyone, on every kind of weight-loss diet. Please don’t post to /r/keto that you gained a pound or two, or plateaued for a week. The trend will be especially bumpy if you are female. In particular, shark week will play hell with your scale weight.
If a plateau lasts more than a couple of weeks, you may need to make adjustments to your lifestyle to break it. See the plateau section.
In their recent book The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living, Volek and Phinney describe two stages of keto-adaptation. In the first few days of a keto diet, your body is still running on glycogen stores. This is the toughest part of the process, because in order to break the vicious cycle of glucose-based metabolism, you have to avoid eating carbohydrates, even though your glycogen stores are dwindling. Fat metabolism is still not optimized, and ketone production hasn't become significant.
Another noticeable effect in the first days is water loss. One of the inefficiencies of glycogen storage is that it needs to be stored with water. It takes about 3 or 4 grams of water to store a gram of glycogen [1] . This means that as you deplete your glycogen stores you could lose up to 2 kg of water! Not only that, but high circulating insulin levels cause water retention by inhibiting sodium excretion (see e.g. [2]). The keto diet lowers insulin levels and increases insulin sensitivity, allowing excess fluid to be released. These combined effects are the origin of the claim that the weight lost on keto diets is due to water loss. In the very beginning, this is true, but subsequently, of course, it is not.
When glycogen runs out, you start producing ketones, and some are excreted in the urine. This is easy to measure, and some keto dieters use it to know if they are hitting a low enough level of carbohydrate restriction. This also marks the beginning of the second stage of keto-adaptation. Ketones are now becoming available for fuel, but they haven't yet risen to their stable adapted level. There is an interesting interplay between ketone use in the muscles and the brain. When ketone levels are low, the muscles tend to use them directly for fuel, but as levels increase, the muscles use them less, turning to fat for fuel instead. The brain, on the other hand, uses ketones proportionally to their concentration in the blood. This means that at low levels of ketones, the brain's supply is not much affected, because the muscles intercede, but above some threshold, the brain's supply rapidly becomes much higher. At this point, the brain can rely on ketones, and since it is no longer susceptible to running out of fuel, the need to eat frequently throughout the day to maintain mental function disappears. The muscles in turn now rely on fat: they finally have access to a virtually unlimited supply of energy, which is particularly valuable for athletes.
4. sep. 2014
Dag 13
Dette ifølge den nye vekten jeg har kjøpte mandag. Den gamle så ut til å slingre et par kilo, og det ble jo uholdbart når jeg prøver å følge med. Vet nå ikke lenger om startvekten var 123 kg. Uansett, kommer til å bruke den nye vekten videre. Håper ennå at kiloene skal renne av da det er jo hele vitsen?
Om 2 dager er det lørdag som jeg har utnevnt til offisiell måle og veiedag.
Prøver å si til meg selv at det er håp i hengende snøre :-)
Fant dette på en engelsk forum hvor en ekspert svarte på et spørsmål lignende det jeg opplever nå:
Hi All..

In the first week of a VLCD you can lose a tremendous amount of weight, this can be seen daily on the scale, dropping 1-2 or even 3lb each day. Although encouraging and this makes you feel immediately lighter - this is not a true fat loss. This is mainly due to an empty stomach, water, and stool release.
Your true fat loss will come after day 4 when you are in Ketosis (fat burning) and the only way you can put this lost fat back on is to over consume food, carbs and sugar mainly. Your weight in the first weeks should be great and dependant on how much you need to lose, age, dieting history etc it can range from 7lb to 1stone for some clients, (the biggest loss we have recorded is 23lbs for a gentleman who was over 30stone). After this in your second week it is normal to expect to shed at least half the weight loss again, and therefore the first two week are generally a great kick start to your journey. This is one reason it is recommended to follow a VLCD plan for a minimum of 1 month.
The weeks that follow should bring a weight loss of approximately 3-4lb for most ladies and a little more for men. This generally averages out to 1stone each month and is a good bench mark for your weight loss, (if continuously lower it is worth checking your plan to ensure you are in ketosis, and not over measuring foods). Weight loss on any programme can plateau and we generally find a small loss in week 3, the body tends to think there is something wrong due to the great weight loss and may pause for a little, if this happens just continue and it should correct itself for week 4. The worst thing to do is give up or eat as this just confirms to the body that it was right to pause.

Hope this has helped... remember if you step on the scales they can go up or down some days, dependant on water retention, stools, body temperature, time of the month and others, a weekly weight is a better idea & always remember when you feel so down that you may cave, it is scientifically impossible not to lose weight on a diet of around 500kcal - 800kcal - Both are considered a VLCD - if staying the same or not losing there is always, always another reason or the body is just resting for a short while to catch up with itself,
All the best
Kee Support
Ketosis diets
Posted: 30/07/13
There’s so much buzz out there currently on ketogenic diets but what are they and why are so many slimmers keen to try?
What is a ketosis diet? The ketogenic diet is a low carbohydrate (breads, pastas, cereals, grains) diet some have higher levels of fat than others but most include adequate levels of protein.
What is Ketosis? Ketosis is a metabolic state the body enters when it has used up its energy reserves of carbohydrates and instead starts to burn the fats from its fat stores.
Why does the body go into ketosis? If there is very little carbohydrate in the diet, either due to a reduction in calories overall or a reduction specifically in carbohydrates, the body will enter ketosis. This generally happens after 2-4 days.
Will I go into ketosis on this VLCD diet? Most people will enter ketosis when their carbohydrate consumption is below 60-80g per day. This is achieved on a either a low-calorie or low carbohydrate diet such as our VLCD.
Is a low carbohydrate diet similar to a low-calorie diet? A low-calorie diet is a low-energy diet. The goal of a low-calorie diet is to create an energy deficit by providing fewer calories (from all food types) than your body needs so that the body has to draw upon the energy stored in body fat. Similarly, a low carbohydrate diet also forces the body to draw upon these fat stores.
Why are ketogenic diets so popular? Ketosis diets are proving very popular with slimmers as the metabolic shift from burning carbohydrates to fats can accelerate weight loss.
Why is it a called ketosis diet? When fats are broken down we get three molecules called ‘keto acids’ (hence ketosis). Two are used by the body as energy and the third is excreted in urine and through the process of breathing, hence the common urine stick test or breath test you may have heard slimmers talking about.
Will I go into ketosis on a Saints & Slimmers VLCD plan? Most people will enter ketosis when their carbohydrate consumption is below 60-80g per day. This is achieved on a either a low-calorie or low carbohydrate diet.
Are all very-low-calorie ketosis diets the same? Diet plans will differ – some 600 kcals plans require four products a day which contain 15g of carbohydrate each, others (like Saints & Slimmers) only require three products containing 20g of carbohydrate each – at the end of day (literally!) most plans will be around 60g-80g.
Remember even those not on a diet will enter a ‘mild’ state of ketosis in a 24-hour cycle – usually when asleep. After 4/5 days on a VLCD most will enter a ‘constant’ state.
Are there different kinds of ketosis diets? Yes there are. Some exclude carbohydrates completely others such as Saints & Slimmers VLCD contain carbohydrates but at very low levels so that ketosis can occur.
How long should I stay on my ketosis diet? We would advise a plan of no more than 12 continuous weeks. It is then important to take at least 1-2 week interval.
Can I have tea and coffee on my ketosis diet? Only black tea and coffee or green tea. Herbal teas may contain citric acid or fruit which can bring you out of ketosis.
Why will milk bring me out of ketosis? Milk contains milk sugar and so it isn’t recommended on a ketosis diet.
Can you enter ketosis on general food? Yes, you can enter ketosis by eating a predominately protein / fat diet but we would recommend that as much as possible you stick with our meal replacement products. These are designed to ensure you get all the nutrients you need.
Can I have fruit on my ketosis diet? We would not recommend fruit as certain foods may take you out of ketosis due to the citric acid contained within fruit.
Can I have sweeteners on my ketosis diet? We recommend that you use tablet sweeteners, as powdered ones contain extra calories and carbohydrates.
What research has been done on ketosis diets? There is much research into the benefits of a ketosis diets in managing certain health conditions although the evidence of its efficacy when it comes to weight loss specifically are mixed.
A 2006 study comparing ketogenic and non-keto low carbohydrate diets concluded that both diets are useful for weight loss, but the researchers found that the ketosis diet was associated with greater metabolic and emotional effects.
Another study indicated that ketosis diets work great for the first three to six months compared to other dietary routines, but that the difference is no longer apparent after a year. The researchers found that the ketosis diets is associated with an increase in all fat types. Reporting changes in triglyceride and HDL cholesterol levels as well as higher LDL levels than conventional low-fat diets.
Nancy Krebs’s 2010 study is probably the most favorable in terms of its application to weight loss. Her team concluded that a high-protein, low-carb ketosis diets may be effective for severely obese adolescents in the long term.
Can anyone start a ketosis diet? VLCD’s are suitable for those who are overweight (usually BMI over 30). If you have an existing health condition it’s advisable to speak with your GP before making any changes to your diet. VLCDs are not suitable for people with certain health conditions, such as eating disorders and epilepsy, or if you are taking daily medication.
More about VLCD’s? Read it here…
Want to lose weight?
If you want to lose weight why not check out our diet plans? Whether you’re looking for an easy-to-follow complete diet, a low calorie diet where you cook a meal yourself, or a faster very low calorie (VLCD) or 5:2 fasting diet, we’ve got a plan for you.
Very Low Calorie Diets – Your questions answered
Posted: 14/05/13
If you’re trying to lose weight, healthy eating and being physically active is the key. Although for some, a very low calorie diet (VLCD) could be the right choice.
How do very low calorie diets work? The recommended daily calorie intake for women is 2,000 calories per day and 2,500 for men. Our VLCD provides just 600 calories, which means you are consuming far fewer calories than your body needs to maintain your current weight. Meaning you lose weight at a much faster rate.
What impact will reducing calories have on my body? This causes your body to enter a natural metabolic state called ketosis – which generally happens after 2-4 days. Ketosis occurs once your body has used up its energy reserves of glycogen and instead starts to burn the fats from its fat stores. As a result, you’ll quickly lose weight.
What are the effects of a very low calorie diet on your body? The body’s preferred energy currency is glucose which we get from carbohydrates and store in the liver and muscles as glycogen. Glycogen can be quickly used as fuel. When we have depleted our glycogen stores the body will start to break down fat as an energy source instead.
…this is fat burning.
You may have heard this stage being referred to Ketosis. Read more HERE
Why is weight loss accelerated in the first week of a very low calorie diet? This rapid weight loss is mainly due to the depletion of stored carbohydrates (glucose/glycogen). Basically to store glycogen you need water at a 1:3 ratio, so that’s a lot of stored water. As you start to lose the glycogen the stored water goes with it.
So if we lose the glycogen and water weight – won’t they go back on after the VLCD? Yes, as soon as you come off any plan that involves a big reduction of calories or an exclusion of carbohydrates you will no doubt regain around 4lb of weight. As soon as you start to eat carbohydrates they will convert to glycogen and be stored along with the water.
Remember that the weight you regain is not fat weight. You will gain approximately 4lb in the first week of re-feeding perhaps more as the body remembers the loss and stocks up! This is temporary and will regulate.
What amount of weight can I expect to lose on a very low calorie diet? There are obvious variables to weight loss, such as beginning weight and physical activity levels throughout the plan. Most on a very low calorie diet lose more pounds in the first few weeks. Average numbers are around 4-4.5lbs week for those with a starting BMI of 30+.
Will I feel really hungry on a very low calorie diet? Ordinarily, if you tried eating just 600 calories a day you’d not only feel hungry all the time, you’d also miss out on many of the vitamins and minerals you need to consume as part of a healthy diet.
Our meal replacement products contain lots of protein and fibre to keep you feeling fuller for longer.
What are meal replacements? Designed to replace a conventional meal, meal replacements are highly nutritious, fortified foods that provide the recommended amount of nutrients needed for good health. Each product has at least 25% protein, essential fatty acids and 30% of 23 vitamins and minerals – allowing you to cut calories not nutrition.
How long should I stay on a very low calorie diet? No more than 12 continuous weeks. It is then important to take at least 1-2 weeks interval.
Can anyone start a very low calorie diet? VLCD are suitable for those who are overweight (usually BMI over 30). If you have an existing health condition it’s advisable to speak with your GP before making any changes to your diet. VLCDs are not suitable for people with certain health conditions, such as eating disorders and epilepsy, or if you are taking daily medication.
Can I drink flavoured water on a very low calorie diet? Not if it contains citric acid.Saints & Slimmers Water Flavouring is citric acid free.
Can I drink tea/coffee on a very low calorie diet? Without milk and Green tea is fine. Avoid herbal teas as they may contain citric acid.
Can I have milk on a very low calorie diet? Milk is not recommended.
Can I do any exercise on a very low calorie diet? Daily exercise as part of your normal routine is fine, or some light walking. However, long sessions at the gym are not recommended until you increase calories.
Can I have general food instead, as long as I stick to under 600 calories for the day? We would recommend that you stick with our meal replacement products. This ensures that you will be getting all the nutrients and vitamins from our products, and the protein and fibre will help to keep you feeling fuller for longer.
Can I have fruit on a very low calorie diet? Fruit is not recommended.
Do I need to take a vitamin supplement on a Saints & Slimmers very low calorie diet? No, the meal replacement products contained within this bundle have 100% of your recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamins and minerals.
Can I have sweetener in tea/coffee on my very low calorie diet? We recommend that you use tablet sweeteners, as powdered ones contain extra calories and carbohydrates.
Possible side effects whilst on a very low calorie diet: As with any weight loss programme, some customers may experience side effects, particularly in the beginning. These may include:
Headaches – make sure you are drinking 2-2.5litres of water a day to keep yourself hydrated. Nausea / upset stomach – this may be due to the levels of vitamins and minerals, so try having a glass of water before and after. Constipation – as you are not consuming as much food as normal you can feel constipated as you don’t want to go to the toilet as regularly. Drinking plenty of water may help to relieve these symptoms.
Want to get in shape quicker?
If you want to get into shape even quicker, why not check out our diet plans? Whether you’re looking for an easy-to-follow complete diet, a low calorie diet where you cook a meal yourself, or a faster very low calorie (VLCD) or 5:2 diet, we’ve got a plan for you.
3. sep. 2014
Dag 12
Hva skal jeg si? Har stått på stedet hvil (118kg) siden søndag, og det er onsdag i dag. Skal det være sånn? Prøver å finne svar på nettet, og det kan være kroppen binder til seg vann. Vet ikke...prøver å holde ut litt til og se om det snur seg.
I teorien skulle en mann i min alder, høyde og vekt klare å forbrenne 3500 kilokalorier i normal aktivitet, og for tiden er inntaket mitt 550 kilokalorier i VLCD dietten (very low calorie diet), og da jeg er i ketose tilstand skulle da kroppen brenne av fettet mitt.
2. sep. 2014
Dag 11
Er det mulig?
Går det an å gå opp i vekt når man i realiteten er i faste?
Er tilbake på Xtravaganza i dag, og velger å tro at det stoppet opp fordi jeg midlertidig brukte en annen diet de siste 3 dager. I 3 dager har vekten stabiliserte seg opp 2 kilo fra 116 som jeg veide lørdag morgen. Lett å bli deppa av dette....
1. sep. 2014
Dag 10
En god hjelpemiddel i slanking er å bruke en app i mobilen som hjelper deg med å følge med inntak av mat og kroppsmål. Allèvo har en god enkel en, men jeg har tatt i bruk en fra som er mye bedre og har en god del flere detaljer. Den fins i en gratisversjon, men det lønner seg å betale en månedsavgift som gir deg tilgang til hele app'en. Den sync'er også med iPad og PC.
31. aug. 2014
Dag 9
Fant merket Allèvo som de selger på alle apotek, og går på denne til jeg får pakken min mandag. Vet ikke om den er like god da det ser ut som jeg gikk opp igjen 2 kilo. Men jeg er sikker på at jeg ennå er i ketose tilstand da jeg har tatt test jeg kjøpte på apoteket (Ketosestix).
30. aug. 2014
29. aug. 2014
Dag 7
En kollega sa til meg i dag, "fortsetter du å gå slik ned i vekt, ligger du tynt an.."
Jada, alle sier ikke driv og vei deg. Men jeg klarer ikke å la vær.... i morges veide jeg 117 kg, det vi si ned 6 kilo og 1 kilo per dag. Jaja, i morgen tidlig skal jeg da ta den "offisielle veiingen og måling av magemål, så vi får se... Som jeg sier til alle, "jeg tror det når jeg ser det". Men det siger nå i alle fall i riktig retning :-)
28. aug. 2014
Dag 6
Har gått en lett tur hver dag, og venter med å starte tyngre trening til jeg føler kroppen har vendt seg til dietten. Kanskje jeg starter med lett trening i ettermiddag?
27. aug. 2014
26. aug. 2014
Dag 4
- Ketose = en kjemisk tilstand i kroppen man kommer i når man inntar tilstrekkelig lite karbohydrater.
- Kroppsfett blir brutt ned til glyserol og fettsyrer.
- Glyserolet blir dannet om til glukose (druesukker). På den måten får man energi og mer stabile blodsukkerverdier.
- Fettsyrene forbrennes og dannes delvis om til ketonlegemer. Ketose er en en tilstand man er i når man har ketoner i blodet.
- Det som skjer i praksis er at man forbrenner kroppsfett raskt, mens muskelmassen ikke blir redusert.
- For friske mennesker er det overhodet ikke skadelig å bruke denne metoden. Men det finnes en del tilstander der man ikke skal bruke denne teknikken for å gå ned i vekt.
Ketose |
Når du først slutter å tilføre kroppen karbohydrater og erstatter dem med proteiner og fett vil metabolismen endre seg for å tilpasse seg dette. Denne første prosessen kalles lipolyse, og kroppen instiller seg på å bruke fett istedet for karbohydrater som drivstoff. Ketose, er den andre delen av denne prosessen, og det er nå kroppen virkelig begynner å brenne fett for å dekke sitt energibehov. Navnet ketose er relatert til selve prosessen hvor fett blir brutt ned til ketoner i leveren. Disse brukes så til energi av kroppen. Dannelsen av ketoner er en helt normal prosess som foregår i kroppen hele tiden, gjerne om natten, eller om det er gått lang tid siden siste måltid og det derfor er behov for ekstra energi. Ketose fører ikke til tap av muskelmasse, med mindre du ikke har fett i kroppen, og dette er spesiellt gunstig siden større muskelmasse krever mer energi som igjen forbrenner mer fett. Når ketose først inntreffer kan du ta av utrolig mye fett på bare et par uker. Bivirkninger av ketose kan være dårlig ånde ved at det blir en acetonlignende lukt av ånden, samt at du kan føle deg slapp og litt trøtt. Dårlig ånde skyldes at overskuddet av ketoner skilles ut gjennom pusten. Det er dog ikke alle som opplever denne bieffekten. Mesteparten av ketonene skilles ut via urinen, og du kan derfor benytte spesielle strips for å sjekke om du har oppnåd ketose. Disse kalles ketostix eller ketonstix. Ketose må ikke forveksles med diabetisk ketoacidose som oppstår hos diabetespasienter og er en helsefarlig tilstand. Såkalt diettindusert ketose som er det man ønsker å oppnå for å ta av kiloene er ikke farlig, og er en prosess som er helt naturlig for kroppen.